Thursday, March 11, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 2:47 PM
u.p: kembar....

kakngah nk wish congratulation coz dpt SPM result with flying colors..
so proud for both of u...
for athira- berbaloi stay up smpai pkul 3-4 pagi utk siapkan folio keusahawanan...n xtido coz nk study especially for account...i noe u can do it...akhirnya sumer terbalas..... :-)

n for adik- i always noe that u can do it..even at the beginning u pnya add math down n u pn like upset about that...but see what did u get for your result? hasil usaha adik gak your best for your future..

for both of u...again proud for both of you..


Anonymous said...

hehe..thnx k.ngah..ingat kan k.ngah pnye ucpan gempak gle..btw thnx again..haha..

blueberry on March 13, 2010 at 9:45 PM said...

gmpak la nie...hahaha
kakngah pn ada sumbangan taw...hahahaha....


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