Sunday, March 21, 2010

badan ku gatal2..

Posted by blueberry at 4:50 AM 2 comments
without a reason tetibe bdn ku naik merah2..
xtau pncanya ape...
kalo merah jerk xper..nie gatal tue yg x tahan..xbleh tido...
every nite terjage coz rasa bisa sgt kt tmpat merah tue...nie brtmbah lg merah nya
no idea sbb apa....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

its all gone...

Posted by blueberry at 2:59 PM 4 comments
pnt aku menaip mlm td smpai pagi td...
akhirnya.... sumernya hilang....stress+nk nngis...
nmpak gaya x tido mlm lah mlm nie...
siapkan smula assgnment tue...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 9:45 PM 1 comments
L0ve the heart that hurt y0u...
but NEVER hurt the heart that loves y0u..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

kalo dh hari2.......

Posted by blueberry at 10:40 PM 0 comments
kalo dh hari2 on9... cmner lah assgnment nk siap..(dgn perasaan yg tidak bersalah)
mula2 ingat nk on9 coz nk cr bahan...
last2...ini jadinya...apa nk jd nie...huhuhu...
still have 3 assgnments that need to be completed n the due date dekat2 plak tue...
wonder if i could finish it in 2 days only....boleh kot...
nothing is impossible...yg pnting semangat n dont give up...
next week ada midterm lg....dua paper dh lps..tnggal lg 3 paper..
wish me luck....pray for me....


Posted by blueberry at 2:47 PM 2 comments
u.p: kembar....

kakngah nk wish congratulation coz dpt SPM result with flying colors..
so proud for both of u...
for athira- berbaloi stay up smpai pkul 3-4 pagi utk siapkan folio keusahawanan...n xtido coz nk study especially for account...i noe u can do it...akhirnya sumer terbalas..... :-)

n for adik- i always noe that u can do it..even at the beginning u pnya add math down n u pn like upset about that...but see what did u get for your result? hasil usaha adik gak your best for your future..

for both of u...again proud for both of you..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

dear LOVE...

Posted by blueberry at 6:41 PM 0 comments
ya Allah...kepada mu shja aku mngadu...permudahkan segala perjalanan hidup ku..adik beradik ku serta ibu bapa bapa ku..
terlalu bnyak dugaan yg harus ku tempuh...satu per satu masalah tmbul..
semoga aku dapat lalui nya dgn tabah..dan rela hati..walaupun perit..tapi realitinya aku xleh nk lari dr sumer masalah2...
aku xnk jd pngecut..yg hnya tahu lari dr masalah jerk...biar susah skunk berdepan dgn semua masalah..krana aku percya DIA telah mnjnjikan kehidupan yg lebih baik slepas itu...
tp masalahnya...smpai bile aku boleh brtahan???!!! DIA yang maha mengetahui segalanya..
smoga sumer nie xkan effect blajar aku....

KEPADA MU shja ku berserah YA ALLAH

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

attention to kak ima!!!!

Posted by blueberry at 4:36 PM 2 comments
msg ini amat penting utk kakanda ku aima munirah...
kak ima....kakngah nk mntak maaf...bkn sngaja nk hilangkan...
tp mmg bnda (hp s0ny ericsson)tue nk hilang...kakngah mntak maaf tau...
please forgive me...i never meant it...
please forgive me..dont get mad at me....
(tiru lgu Bryan Adam..)
kakngah mntak maaf skali lg....

Monday, March 1, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 9:19 AM 1 comments
hmmm..just nk luahkan rasa curious ku ini....ada lah sowank bdak nie...dia nie nk kata xpndai dia nie kira2 "slow leaner" lah...masalahnya skunk yg aku curious...yg mnjadi prsoalannya..hina sgt ker bdak "slow leaner" nie?? dia pn manusia biasa cm org lain yg ada naper smpai ada org yg x snggup nk terima kelemahan dia?? cian aku tgk dia.. di hina plak tue...cian sgt kt dia....dihina ngan org2 yg dia syg plak tue..."dh jatuh ditimpa tangga"..apalah nasib dia akan datang nie... harap2 dia ok..

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