Sunday, May 23, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 5:33 PM
today was very tired...early in the went to send athira to UIA PJ...(pusat asasi UIA)...crowded+not feeling so well=tired....amik masa lama gak lah nk settle sumer bnda...starting from 8.30 we waited until around 12.30 settle everything.. now, she is "siswi "...time goes by so fast... kmbar dh hbs skolah...n further study..atiya plak will be going on june...then after settle everything...went to sent ainan back to sunway...sunny day...panas yg tramat terik...lg buat jd migrain.. after that, went to HUKM hntar kak ima's stuffs..almost one hour waited for her...coz rmai patients and dia xleh nk kuar...cian tgk dia...around 3 o'clock she went down and she looked very tired....cian kt kak ima..bdn dia nmpak susut..mkn dia pn xtrjaga coz trlalu busy...dh la x tido dr mlm td coz on-call..but i noe she is strong and could get thru everything...mula2 maybe pnt then kalo dh biasa...ok lah tue...pnt jd dpt bnyak pahala coz dpt tolong org get rid from their pains...
pray for kak ima and all her fwenzs...take care....



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