Monday, November 23, 2009


Posted by blueberry at 8:29 PM back...have been long time not updated the blog..been so busy especially dkt2 nk hbs sem..
project paper la..assgmnt lah...presentation time n space to breath..afta that final exam weeks...
16th of nov English 3
20th of nov service management n study skills
23rd of nov which is today n just now was my last paper...hotel and restaurant industries...
mau pecah kepala memerah mencari idea n jawapan...(poyo je lah)..hahaha...Alhamdulillah my papers sumer berjalan dgn lncar...n i hope my my result excellent n dapat mcm yg i dh janji ngan papa...~AMIN~
paper hr nie agak membuat org jd gyler...mmg ssh gyler...but i've already tried my best...n telah pergi berperang selama 3 hr...**wink**
n afta dis i akan keje as a part time staff at this one company..cant remember the name of that company but related wif my course jgak lah...
i hope i will try my best on this job...
NOW ITS TIME FOR ME TO GIVE REWARD TO MY OWN......................................



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