Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Posted by blueberry at 10:25 AM 3 comments
today is my first day of working....feel nervous??? maybe...but get rid of that feeling...hehehe...
relax lah wey....(another side of me said..hahahaha) experince working in office.. before dis keje boutique as sales consultant..ok lah keje tue..bnyak bergerak...
but now working in the the same time this office not so far from my experience for me..lot of new thing s dat i could learn. Time management, how to handle programme...and more...
but at this moment...i miss mybaby so much...oh angin!!! send my love n my hug to him...(terjiwang lah plak **wink**)
cant wait to see him n spent time with him...misss him so much....LOVE HIM MUCH2

Monday, November 23, 2009


Posted by blueberry at 8:29 PM 0 comments back...have been long time not updated the blog..been so busy especially dkt2 nk hbs sem..
project paper la..assgmnt lah...presentation time n space to breath..afta that final exam weeks...
16th of nov English 3
20th of nov service management n study skills
23rd of nov which is today n just now was my last paper...hotel and restaurant industries...
mau pecah kepala memerah mencari idea n jawapan...(poyo je lah)..hahaha...Alhamdulillah my papers sumer berjalan dgn lncar...n i hope my my result excellent n dapat mcm yg i dh janji ngan papa...~AMIN~
paper hr nie agak membuat org jd gyler...mmg ssh gyler...but i've already tried my best...n telah pergi berperang selama 3 hr...**wink**
n afta dis i akan keje as a part time staff at this one company..cant remember the name of that company but related wif my course jgak lah...
i hope i will try my best on this job...
NOW ITS TIME FOR ME TO GIVE REWARD TO MY OWN......................................

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