Thursday, January 28, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 8:00 PM 0 comments
tetibe aku terbaca blog kakak aku....huhu...terdetik plak nk smbung pasal tue..
memang setengah org x boleh harap lngsung...mula2 tue ok lah..pastue hampeh...
dh lah x reti nk bersyukur...
aku pn sependapat ngan kakak aku...nk jerk pg jmpa member2 adik aku yg mcm "CIPAN" tue..dh tau pnjam duit pndai2 lah byr blk...agak2 lah kalo nk wat "taik" pn.. bersyukur lah ada org nk bg pnjam duit...mana nk dpt kawan yg cmtue. cian adik aku...
dh la brg dia pn kna balun. miskin sgt ker member2 dia tue??? x mampu ker nk beli bju sndiri??? perfume sndiri??? kalo x mampu...wat la cara x mampu.. hahahahaa....kalo dh gna brg org lain tue...pndai2 la mntak izin...nie x...brg adik aku dh jd mcm brg diornk...kalo nk gne main amik jerk..skit pn x mntak izin... mula2 dlu jer lah diornk mntak... diornk tue mmg x sedar diri...yg aku paling geram tue perfume adik aku. dh la perfume tue mahal n xder jual kt MALAYSIA..bwu tnggal kn kejap jer dh tnggal sparuh...mmg x sedar diri bdk2 tue.harap muka jerk cun...CUN KER??? hahahaha... tp kalo prngai dh buruk cmtue..lupakan jer la.
dh lah x reti bersyukur...aku mmg geram gyler... kalo aku ada kuasa, mmg dh lama aku hapuskan org2 cmtue..hahahaha...
hope bdk2 tue cpt2 lah bertaubat...mmg mkn duit haram lah kalo diornk still wat prngai....

Friday, January 8, 2010


Posted by blueberry at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss, it's gettin' better baby
No one can better this...
Still holdin' on, you're still the one
First time our eyes met, same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger, wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on...
So if you're feelin' lonely don't
you're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good
so if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me, I know not what I do...
...I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me this pain I'm going through...
...if I need ya like I do
Please believe me every word I say is true...
...our best times are together...
...touch, still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough...
Still holdin' on, still number one
I remember the smell of your skin...everything
...all your, yeah!
...the nights ya know I still do...
...One thing I'm sure of is the way we make love
And one thing I depend on is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
...Never leave me I don't know what I'd do...

p/s: dedicate for someone...huhu...

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